At the July 29, 2024 Fitrah service Amir Fatir explained that thought (Sphere 8) and images (Sphere 7) directly affect the receptive part of the mind (Sphere 8) which then impacts upon the body and health for good or evil depending upon the nature of words and images.
This, he explained, is what the Quran is conveying where it says a good word is like a good tree and an evil word is like an evil tree. Our thoughts are like seeds that cause positive or negative growths in our bodies. Sphere 10 of the Tree of Life is about the physical body and its state of health and sickness.
With that in mind Fatir then told his audience that Sir Mixalot should be nominated for the Nobel Prize for Medicine because Sir Mixalot singlehandedly eradicated anorexia and bulimia which mainly plagued white girls when he changed the paradigm of beauty when he rapped "I like big butts and I can't lie." Before that paradigm shift white parents were in terror over whether their daughters-under the spell of the fashion industry's and Hollywood's anti-female influence, might stop eating until, like Karen Carpenter, they starved themselves to death.
Because of Sir Mixalot eating disorders have all but vanished. So, Fatir said, when you attack the hip hop culture, remember that in some cases hip hop saves lives.
Expounding on the song "What's Going On" Fatir then gave a Fitrah perspective on what is really going on in the world today. According to Fatir planet earth has been involved in an interplanetary war for many millenia or since, as the Book of Revelation teaches, war broke out in heaven between Michael and the dragon called Satan. Revelation calls him "that old serpent" which symbolized a reptilian race which was forced to live underground and also in bases underwater.
Fatir posited that the nuclear tests that resulted in the START and SALT treaties were actually nuclear bombings under the guise of tests and those bombs were attacks on alien underground and underwater military bases.
He explained that the Genesis command to replenish the earth means earth had once been full of people and animals but life was wiped out by alien wars. So Elohim had to replenish it via a hovercraft re-seeding machine that is mentioned in Genesis where it says "the Lord God hovered over the face of the deep." That same type of hovercraft is mistranslated "blood clot" in the first Quranic revelation that says "He created man from a hovering". The Arabic word is 'alaq which actually means a thing suspended in air, not a blood clot.
Fatir then made the startling announcement that human cloning has been going on much longer than people imagine. The Sumerian God Enki created an "artificial human" named Enkidu. The Egyptians spoke of an artificial group of people called Tamahu and the Quran refers to the mushriq or grafted gene spliced people and says "the grafted people are filthy".
Then he told his congregation that some very famous people are actually clones. He maintained that El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz was not Malcolm X. He was a clone of Malcolm X as Malcolm died in Egypt when he was poisoned. El- Hajj Malik's head was shaped differently, wasn't anywhere close to being as intelligent a debater as Malcolm and even grew a beard to hide his dissimilarity with the real Malcolm X.
He then told the sound master to "Play the Prophet" --- meaning Marvin Gaye---and the congregation got an entirely different experience from the song "What's Going On"?
This, he explained, is what the Quran is conveying where it says a good word is like a good tree and an evil word is like an evil tree. Our thoughts are like seeds that cause positive or negative growths in our bodies. Sphere 10 of the Tree of Life is about the physical body and its state of health and sickness.
With that in mind Fatir then told his audience that Sir Mixalot should be nominated for the Nobel Prize for Medicine because Sir Mixalot singlehandedly eradicated anorexia and bulimia which mainly plagued white girls when he changed the paradigm of beauty when he rapped "I like big butts and I can't lie." Before that paradigm shift white parents were in terror over whether their daughters-under the spell of the fashion industry's and Hollywood's anti-female influence, might stop eating until, like Karen Carpenter, they starved themselves to death.
Because of Sir Mixalot eating disorders have all but vanished. So, Fatir said, when you attack the hip hop culture, remember that in some cases hip hop saves lives.
Expounding on the song "What's Going On" Fatir then gave a Fitrah perspective on what is really going on in the world today. According to Fatir planet earth has been involved in an interplanetary war for many millenia or since, as the Book of Revelation teaches, war broke out in heaven between Michael and the dragon called Satan. Revelation calls him "that old serpent" which symbolized a reptilian race which was forced to live underground and also in bases underwater.
Fatir posited that the nuclear tests that resulted in the START and SALT treaties were actually nuclear bombings under the guise of tests and those bombs were attacks on alien underground and underwater military bases.
He explained that the Genesis command to replenish the earth means earth had once been full of people and animals but life was wiped out by alien wars. So Elohim had to replenish it via a hovercraft re-seeding machine that is mentioned in Genesis where it says "the Lord God hovered over the face of the deep." That same type of hovercraft is mistranslated "blood clot" in the first Quranic revelation that says "He created man from a hovering". The Arabic word is 'alaq which actually means a thing suspended in air, not a blood clot.
Fatir then made the startling announcement that human cloning has been going on much longer than people imagine. The Sumerian God Enki created an "artificial human" named Enkidu. The Egyptians spoke of an artificial group of people called Tamahu and the Quran refers to the mushriq or grafted gene spliced people and says "the grafted people are filthy".
Then he told his congregation that some very famous people are actually clones. He maintained that El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz was not Malcolm X. He was a clone of Malcolm X as Malcolm died in Egypt when he was poisoned. El- Hajj Malik's head was shaped differently, wasn't anywhere close to being as intelligent a debater as Malcolm and even grew a beard to hide his dissimilarity with the real Malcolm X.
He then told the sound master to "Play the Prophet" --- meaning Marvin Gaye---and the congregation got an entirely different experience from the song "What's Going On"?