CHAPTER THREE : Hang-ups, Let Downs, Bad Breaks, Setbacks
The Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul. - Genesis 2:7 The scriptures are not telling us about history, they are, for the most part, telling us about initiatory processes coded as history. Most of the creation stories are actually formulas ("myths") that encode the initiatory processes for the inner creation of the divine being ("man") via initiation (spiritual cultivation). The realization of divinity, i.e., who you really are, is the objective of initiation. True initiation is less about pouring knowledge in and more about getting impediments (in the form of mental viruses, programs, conditionings, engrams, egoic emotions and damaging beliefs) out. Some scriptures refer to this activity as ablution, baptism, sanctification, and purification. All things that cover up your essential reality and distort your expression of your cosmic uniqueness are called "dust" in the sacred scrolls.
13 Yet the books say the man (initiate) is created (initiated) from dust. This saying that the very problems, issues, complexes, engrams, conditionings, etc. that seem to torment and plague us are the very things we need as sparring partners and burdens to develop the strength and clarity of will to overcome and eradicate them. The hang-ups, let downs, bad breaks, and setbacks we experience are actually projections from the dust or psychic impurities on our true selves. That true self was called Tem and Atem in Kamitic Ra Theology and Adam in Canaanite wisdom systems. It symbolizes the spiritual initiate who has completed his or her reunification with the cosmic order.
Initiatory work aims at identifying false beliefs or programs so we can remove or delete them and thereby remove one more enslaving chain that imprisons our true self (Tem or Ausar) and keeps us stuck in this false illusionary virtual reality dream world of Vishnu. By way of example let us imagine that Sister Rosalinda suffers recurring financial problems. She decides to find out what's wrong in her life, what is it that keeps sabotaging her finances. So, she goes to see a Fitrah Oracular Specialist who does a reading on her finances. Such a reading is actually a spiritual reading because it focuses on the spiritual cause of her financial situation, not the worldly output or expression.
With the oracle's assistance Rosalind discovers that, deep down, she believes that s truly special and beautiful woman should never have to worry about money because a powerful Mr. Big type of rich man would always be more than happy to assure that she lived a life of luxury and comfort. Naturally, Rosalind, a modern independent woman, is shocked to find out that she harbors such an antiquated view, that she has such a "dust particle" interfering with her spiritual processes. So now Rosalind is determined to eradicate (deprogram) that conditioning. During meditation she remembers her very glamorous and beautiful aunt who never had to work and always brought pretty gifts from exotic places when she visited Rosalind during Rosalind's childhood. That is where that belief originated and although Rosalind was now an adult that belief and value system still lived on deep down inside her subconscious (her Tuat or underworld).
Her subconscious program is certain that Rosalind should not be financially independent as that means, she is not very special, glamorous, or beautiful so the program -- like a computer virus -- works behind the scenes to disrupt her financial stability so she can be "free" to be financially rescued by a rich man who recognizes how special Rosalind is. Don't laugh at poor Rosalind. All of us have our own computer viruses crashing our various life systems. By working to delete her glamorous auntie program Rosalind will simultaneously improve her finances and take a step in liberating her true self from the "dust" that's inhibiting her true self's manifestation or resurrection in this world which has the effect of transforming this world from a hell experience to a heavenly one.
INITIATORY WORK 1. Get a Fitrah Initiation Journal. 2. Listen closely to "Make Me Wanna Holler" by Prophet Marvin Gaye. 3. Write down any hang-ups, let downs, had breaks and setbacks -- whether past or present -- and try to see that they are the output or effects of some internal conditioning, belief, emotion, or program. 4. What parts of the song are relevant today? 5. What is inflation? How does inflation affect your life? What, if anything, can you do about inflation? 6. What do you think about the line "Crime is increasing/trigger happy policing"? 7. Are trigger happy policemen the cause of the problem or a reflection of something inside of us? If so, what might it reflect and how do
8. Can you identify any programs in you that cause or catalyze the hang-ups, let downs, bad breaks, and setbacks you experienced past or present? 9. Enter the garden. 10. Chant aloud or silently Om Vam Duhum. 11. Imagine you, are communicating with the Netert (Goddess) Auset who oversees identifying and helping to remove conditionings. 12. Ask Auset to reveal any conditionings that are harming you or holding you back. 13. Write in your journal any information, intuitions, or apercus you receive. 14. Thank Auset and return to Bets (external awake) consciousness.
13 Yet the books say the man (initiate) is created (initiated) from dust. This saying that the very problems, issues, complexes, engrams, conditionings, etc. that seem to torment and plague us are the very things we need as sparring partners and burdens to develop the strength and clarity of will to overcome and eradicate them. The hang-ups, let downs, bad breaks, and setbacks we experience are actually projections from the dust or psychic impurities on our true selves. That true self was called Tem and Atem in Kamitic Ra Theology and Adam in Canaanite wisdom systems. It symbolizes the spiritual initiate who has completed his or her reunification with the cosmic order.
Initiatory work aims at identifying false beliefs or programs so we can remove or delete them and thereby remove one more enslaving chain that imprisons our true self (Tem or Ausar) and keeps us stuck in this false illusionary virtual reality dream world of Vishnu. By way of example let us imagine that Sister Rosalinda suffers recurring financial problems. She decides to find out what's wrong in her life, what is it that keeps sabotaging her finances. So, she goes to see a Fitrah Oracular Specialist who does a reading on her finances. Such a reading is actually a spiritual reading because it focuses on the spiritual cause of her financial situation, not the worldly output or expression.
With the oracle's assistance Rosalind discovers that, deep down, she believes that s truly special and beautiful woman should never have to worry about money because a powerful Mr. Big type of rich man would always be more than happy to assure that she lived a life of luxury and comfort. Naturally, Rosalind, a modern independent woman, is shocked to find out that she harbors such an antiquated view, that she has such a "dust particle" interfering with her spiritual processes. So now Rosalind is determined to eradicate (deprogram) that conditioning. During meditation she remembers her very glamorous and beautiful aunt who never had to work and always brought pretty gifts from exotic places when she visited Rosalind during Rosalind's childhood. That is where that belief originated and although Rosalind was now an adult that belief and value system still lived on deep down inside her subconscious (her Tuat or underworld).
Her subconscious program is certain that Rosalind should not be financially independent as that means, she is not very special, glamorous, or beautiful so the program -- like a computer virus -- works behind the scenes to disrupt her financial stability so she can be "free" to be financially rescued by a rich man who recognizes how special Rosalind is. Don't laugh at poor Rosalind. All of us have our own computer viruses crashing our various life systems. By working to delete her glamorous auntie program Rosalind will simultaneously improve her finances and take a step in liberating her true self from the "dust" that's inhibiting her true self's manifestation or resurrection in this world which has the effect of transforming this world from a hell experience to a heavenly one.
INITIATORY WORK 1. Get a Fitrah Initiation Journal. 2. Listen closely to "Make Me Wanna Holler" by Prophet Marvin Gaye. 3. Write down any hang-ups, let downs, had breaks and setbacks -- whether past or present -- and try to see that they are the output or effects of some internal conditioning, belief, emotion, or program. 4. What parts of the song are relevant today? 5. What is inflation? How does inflation affect your life? What, if anything, can you do about inflation? 6. What do you think about the line "Crime is increasing/trigger happy policing"? 7. Are trigger happy policemen the cause of the problem or a reflection of something inside of us? If so, what might it reflect and how do
8. Can you identify any programs in you that cause or catalyze the hang-ups, let downs, bad breaks, and setbacks you experienced past or present? 9. Enter the garden. 10. Chant aloud or silently Om Vam Duhum. 11. Imagine you, are communicating with the Netert (Goddess) Auset who oversees identifying and helping to remove conditionings. 12. Ask Auset to reveal any conditionings that are harming you or holding you back. 13. Write in your journal any information, intuitions, or apercus you receive. 14. Thank Auset and return to Bets (external awake) consciousness.