The Time of the Dead is Now
by Amir Fatir
He must be awakened. He’s in a strange world. His eyes must come open, the spiritual eye. He must see the people as they really are; he must see himself as he really is; he must be awakened, spiritual awakening.
- Elijah Muhammad
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke on many different levels to many different audiences often in the same speech, even using the same words. He was not allowed to outright reveal the deepest esoteric wisdom, none of the prophets were. So, he phrased that wisdom very carefully so it would be available one day when someone was awake enough to separate the wheat from the tare. Esoterically, “the dead” means the completed initiate as I’ve explained in other writings. The Egyptian Book of the Dead has many references to “the Dead, the Auser Ani, whose word is true says…….” These are two designations for initiates: “slave” (i.e., apprentice) and “dead.”
The dead designates the completed initiate who has arrived while the servant or slave refers to one who is still working on getting to the finish line.
Sometimes, however, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad used “dead” when he really meant “servant” (apprentice).
The dead must be given knowledge of the truth of God.
He must be washed and cleansed of the old world…….
Put him on a clean garment. Give him a clean heart,
and a clean thought…. put him to think of clean
and righteous things.
- Elijah Muhammad
Those things are needed for the apprentice not for the man or woman who has fully already died to the world and been resurrected. Such one is beyond unclean thinking for he or she is no longer a mere human mortal but is an immortal neter. By immortal I do not mean that the body lives forever, I mean the consciousness is continuous over an infinite number of lives in and out of a body.
What made Master Fard divine is that he fully remembered himself, his lives, over thousands of cycles of history all the way back to that First One who manifested Himself from Ain Soph Ur’s Triple Darkness. When he became the Divine Supreme Being on Earth he totally changed (“destroyed”) the world with only a word (doctrine) that altered the global paradigm.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that, for the initiate, all time is now. Though seemingly real, past and future are illusions. All that exists, exists now. From now I produce a picture and audio of what I say was the past and call it a memory, but that memory only exists in the present moment. From now I produce a picture of what I imagine might occur and call that the future.
All time is simultaneous. I can occasionally see “future” events that have not yet happened. I could not see these events if they didn’t already exist now. There are lots of people who can see for better than me.
Not only is all time now, the “past” can be changed. All you have to do is imagine a “past” event as you choose it to have been and believe it occurred and that “new past” will show effects in the present. All time for the initiate is now.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said the initiate “must be awaken”. People spend most of their lives asleep even though they think they are awake.
Practices such as Dhummo breathing produce a hyper-awakeness that also can open the ajna chakra/third eye which the Messenger called “the spiritual eye”. Raising energy to the brow causes it to throb and eventually to strobe light. When the strobing occurs rapidly for a while it generates a vision screen that is a tool for clairvoyance.
This is a strange, grafted artificial world of Yakub’s grafted left brain devil. It is a world where right is wrong and wrong is right. It’s a world where governments force the people to eat GMO food made with spider genes, a world where reptilian jinn rule through traitorous parliaments, where the rich rob the poor and the robbed poor say “rob me some more”
It’s an illusory world that really doesn’t exist, at least not like we think it exists. A world where criminals go free and the innocent are imprisoned, and the masses are enslaved in the name of freedom. The awakened initiate sees beyond the propaganda hype and sees people as they really are. You don’t have to wait till full enlightenment to see politicians and other public people as they truly are. The means is shockingly simple. Ignore what they say and observe what they do. Their deeds reveal who and what they really are.
by Amir Fatir
He must be awakened. He’s in a strange world. His eyes must come open, the spiritual eye. He must see the people as they really are; he must see himself as he really is; he must be awakened, spiritual awakening.
- Elijah Muhammad
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad spoke on many different levels to many different audiences often in the same speech, even using the same words. He was not allowed to outright reveal the deepest esoteric wisdom, none of the prophets were. So, he phrased that wisdom very carefully so it would be available one day when someone was awake enough to separate the wheat from the tare. Esoterically, “the dead” means the completed initiate as I’ve explained in other writings. The Egyptian Book of the Dead has many references to “the Dead, the Auser Ani, whose word is true says…….” These are two designations for initiates: “slave” (i.e., apprentice) and “dead.”
The dead designates the completed initiate who has arrived while the servant or slave refers to one who is still working on getting to the finish line.
Sometimes, however, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad used “dead” when he really meant “servant” (apprentice).
The dead must be given knowledge of the truth of God.
He must be washed and cleansed of the old world…….
Put him on a clean garment. Give him a clean heart,
and a clean thought…. put him to think of clean
and righteous things.
- Elijah Muhammad
Those things are needed for the apprentice not for the man or woman who has fully already died to the world and been resurrected. Such one is beyond unclean thinking for he or she is no longer a mere human mortal but is an immortal neter. By immortal I do not mean that the body lives forever, I mean the consciousness is continuous over an infinite number of lives in and out of a body.
What made Master Fard divine is that he fully remembered himself, his lives, over thousands of cycles of history all the way back to that First One who manifested Himself from Ain Soph Ur’s Triple Darkness. When he became the Divine Supreme Being on Earth he totally changed (“destroyed”) the world with only a word (doctrine) that altered the global paradigm.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that, for the initiate, all time is now. Though seemingly real, past and future are illusions. All that exists, exists now. From now I produce a picture and audio of what I say was the past and call it a memory, but that memory only exists in the present moment. From now I produce a picture of what I imagine might occur and call that the future.
All time is simultaneous. I can occasionally see “future” events that have not yet happened. I could not see these events if they didn’t already exist now. There are lots of people who can see for better than me.
Not only is all time now, the “past” can be changed. All you have to do is imagine a “past” event as you choose it to have been and believe it occurred and that “new past” will show effects in the present. All time for the initiate is now.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said the initiate “must be awaken”. People spend most of their lives asleep even though they think they are awake.
Practices such as Dhummo breathing produce a hyper-awakeness that also can open the ajna chakra/third eye which the Messenger called “the spiritual eye”. Raising energy to the brow causes it to throb and eventually to strobe light. When the strobing occurs rapidly for a while it generates a vision screen that is a tool for clairvoyance.
This is a strange, grafted artificial world of Yakub’s grafted left brain devil. It is a world where right is wrong and wrong is right. It’s a world where governments force the people to eat GMO food made with spider genes, a world where reptilian jinn rule through traitorous parliaments, where the rich rob the poor and the robbed poor say “rob me some more”
It’s an illusory world that really doesn’t exist, at least not like we think it exists. A world where criminals go free and the innocent are imprisoned, and the masses are enslaved in the name of freedom. The awakened initiate sees beyond the propaganda hype and sees people as they really are. You don’t have to wait till full enlightenment to see politicians and other public people as they truly are. The means is shockingly simple. Ignore what they say and observe what they do. Their deeds reveal who and what they really are.