Nuclear Subs and Underwater Aliens
By Amir Fatir
You shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any
Likeness of anything that is in heaven above,
Or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in
The water under the earth.
-Exodus 20: 3 –4
The Exodus was not a short walk about from Egypt a few miles down the road to Palestine. Geographically, that’s ridiculous. The Israelites supposedly wandered in the wilderness for 40 years before finally making it to “the land of Canaan.” There is no wilderness between Egypt and Palestine, there’s only desert.
The extraterrestrial god Yahweh road in a flying machine described as a cloud during the daytime and a pillar of fire at night. Ra’s spaceship, his “celestial boat”, also had a day name and a different night name. The Quran says Allah too traveled “in canopies of clouds.” (Quran 2:210).
Modern UFOs also produce cloud cover to conceal their presence when they fly through earth’s atmosphere. Allah’s spaceship, his ism or shem, also has two names: Rahman (by day) and Rahim (by night).
Bismi-llahi-Rahmani-r-Rahim actually was a radio call sign identifier indicating that the transmission (wahy) emanated from “inside the spaceship Allah (bismi-allah), the Rahman, the Rahim/ufo.”
The extraterrestrial god Shamash was in charge of all air force operations, so the Quran says: “Allah comes with Shams (Arabic for Shamash) from the east.” (Quran 2:258 Y. Ali translation is wrong).
The spaceship Allah and the reptilian alien were escorted by an armada of planes whenever Allah visited earth from Sirius, the asteroid belt or the moon.
Exodus 20 is stating that there are alien bases in the oceans. That’s really why U.S. and Russian submarines are armed with nukes, to strike those alien bases on the ocean floor when necessary. It’s happened before and will happen again.
President Jimmy Carter sent the special forces into Dulce base to defeat the aliens who’d taken humans hostage. The humans were defeated and Carter was pushed out by the alien-controlled news media and replaced by Ronald Reagan.
Ronald Reagan warned the world of “hypothetical” alien invasion and then was murdered by John Hinkley on the orders of the CIA chief/vice president George Bush (Skull and Bones), Bush also killed JFK. Reagan was replaced by a double, Michael Breedlove.
The tsunami that caused the Fukishema nuclear disaster was itself caused by a nuclear assault on one of the underwater alien bases. Ea, the alien god of Sumer, lived underwater. His name means “he whose home is water.”
Ea (pronounced EE-Yah) is the Oya of Yoruba and the Yahweh/Jehovah of Judaism. It is time that we demand that the president release all the UFO files unredacted. And the JFK files, too. We need to find out what the aliens are up to and which government officials, bureaucrats, media moguls, and bankers work for them. We also need to know who the alien-human hybrids are hiding amongst us.
The Exodus was to the land of Canaan, but not the one you think. It was to star system Canis Major, the Big Dog, under the rule of Anpu (Anubis). Therein is the Dog Star, Sirius, the star of Aset (Isis). Hence it is metaphorically written that Anpu was the protector of Aset.
Those extraterrestrials are shapeshifters. They are also gender-benders. When the Quran says “Allah is the Aziz,” that means “Allah is Isis”. Aziz is Arabic for the Greek Isis.
That is why their hybrids push so hard and relentlessly for unisex bathrooms, homosexuality and transgenderism. “Let us make man in our image and after our likeness.” The base scriptures were not about people, they were about the gods. Humans, seeking to reenact the scripts, turned gods into prophets.
I’ll prove it. In Hebrew, the “man” of Genesis 1:26 is Zakar and Negabau. Those aren’t people, they’re gods! Zakar is the Egyptian God Seker and Negabau is the Egyptian serpent goddess Nekhebet. Adam himself is a downgraded version of the Egyptian God Atem aka Tem.
The Bible and Quran convey stories of the gods coded as stories about people. The true children of Israel aren’t earthlings, they are followers of the God Ra. Moses is the God Tammuz and his rod is a nuclear rod used to open a wormhole across dimensions to get them from another dimension to Canis Major.
Ra’s descendants carried their story to earth and eventually people thought it was about human Semitic people.
In a way it is. A Semite is a rider of the fiery rocket ships called Sems of Shems. Parting the Red Sea means opening a wormhole. Earth is a waystation for interplanetary and interdimensional travel. Each group has its own story. For example, Noah’s story is also a space travel story. That civilization carried its genetic material in an ark and landed on a planet named Judi. See Quran 11:44.
Adam’s people were forced to leave Edin, a large cloaked planet called Neb Heru aka the Mothership.
Abram aka Rama had to leave Ur of the Chaldees. That’s Orion, home of the Immortal Ones. His father was named Tera, meaning a “star”. The Quran says his father’s name was Azar (Asar), a kemitic God.
Did Abraham have two fathers? How many fathers do Michael Jackson’s children have? Six? They’ve got the genetic material of several men and women, perhaps even Michael Douglass and Brooke Shields. How many parents do Barack Obama’s test tube babies have? Once you start cloning, the possibilities are endless.
Years before Michelle Obama got ahead of the story by admitting the girls were test tube babies, I’d already stated that those children never came out of Michelle. The book entitled “Becoming Michelle Obama” because the author wasn’t already that. It had to become that. Who was “she” before?
Lots of aliens got left on waystation earth with the promise that their E.T. feudal lords will pick them up on the way back to the home dimensions or planet. Asar did a good job unifying lots of them which is why his story is pretty much everywhere. All kinds of alien wars, rumors of wars, and war games are taking place all around us, but we are so tied to the Matrix that we don’t even see the obvious. Even when the aliens put on an airshow in broad daylight and night over Phoenix, AZ we still doubt.
Their actions are dismissed as meteor showers, blackouts, blue lights from Niagara Falls over the whole east coast, tsunamis, flu season, human trafficking of missing adults and children, planes disappearing, crop circles, cow mutilations, climate change (aliens terraforming earth to their taste).
The only leaders the aliens and hybrids don’t own are Trump and Putin. That’s why the hybridized media loathes them both. It’s kind of ironic that the two men we hate most are the two standing between us and total alien elimination. Go figure!!!