Islamic Fitrah
The Arabic word for religion is "deen". Deen has many meanings such as "way", "compensation", "judgement", and even "debt".
Deen as Way
As a way or means or methodology, a religion is supposed to provide a mechanism for people to get from one state to another. Deen al- Fitrah provides a proper way to realize good in this world and the Hereafter, but most importantly, it provides a way for anyone to realize their own divinity.
The Fitrah way leads to the full transmutation from animal to human and from human to divine.
The way to BE God is to DO God.......
Deen as Compensation
In her original state of being, man did not have to serve God or worship God or to adore God. All man had to do was to “accept his own and be himself.” That is because there was no separation between man/woman and God. As it is written, “I and the father are one.”
Man’s own nature was Fitrah Allah so all she had to do was be herself. But then man experienced a false sense of separation from God and so had to develop a means of compensating for that sense of loss. Man felt he could no longer just be himself, falsely believing himself to be diminished, he compensated by “submitting” to a power he imagined to be outside himself.
Religion (deen) became a crutch, a means of compensating for man’s near crippled condition.
Deen as Judgment
For every action there is an equal and opposite action in response. This is called qadr (karma). If an individual dies out of balance, then at some point while “dead”, he or she reviews their life and judges where they came up short. This foreshadows a life or lives pre- destined to compensate and to be compensated. This is often called the Day of Judgement.
Deen as Debt
The Day of Judgment informs us of all the karmic debts we owe. So we incarnate into a circumstance best qualified to provide opportunities for debt repayment. A man who left his wife to raise their children alone will one day incarnate as a woman or single father struggling to raise children alone.
It is written, “As thou hast done so shall it be done unto thee.”
Forgiveness as Karma’s Cure
The Quran teaches that forgiveness is better than retaliation. Qisaas (retaliation) keeps people locked into the game of karma or tit-for-tat. But when you really forgive, all that karma evaporates and those involved can move on. It is written that “the son of man has power to forgive sins [ i.e., karmic debts] this day.”
Religious practice and austerities can also dissolve or burn up karma.
The Nature of Allah
Man and God have the same nature. Man was created or ennatured with Allah’s own nature. But man suffers from amnesia and must dhikr (chant) to remember who she really is.
Allah’s nature is revealed in His attributes. Those attributes are also your attributes but, in our crippled condition, we must struggle to evoke or manifest them.
If God is Rahman (Compassionate), then so are you. When you can hardly afford it is a great time to manifest Rahman. As it is written, “Feeding the indigent during a day of privation.”
If God is ‘Azeez, then so are you. God is Al-Nur, and so are you. He is Salaam (Peace) and so are you.
Before you can be the embodiment of an attribute, you may have to be an apprentice ---- initiate of that attribute: Abdul- Ghany before you shed your old fake human skin and became Ghany Itself, the Enriched One Who Enriches.
The aim of Deen Al -Fitrah is to restore you to your divine self.
The Sabil or Paths
People manifest many temperaments and sages and prophets have devised many styles or paths to help people achieve divinity according to their temperaments. Unfortunately, after those sages left their bodies, usurpers quickly got to work to graft and distort those styles into whole separate deens. By doing so they tore the branch from the tree and the lonely branch, over time, grew rotten. Many of the faiths existing today were originally styles or paths to achieve within an original system and were never designed to be religions on their own.
Thankfully, because they were originally Fitrah, the Fitrah essence remains in them and can be recovered by the wise. They can be brought back to life as healthy branches of Fitrah.
Salaami origin and Destination of Fitrah
God’s nature is peace. Creation is the differentiation of God’s original undifferentiated and inert energy/matter. The Kamitic Sages named that state “Amen.”
In Amen there are no objects, no thoughts, no emotions, no movement, no differences, hence, total peace. As greater differentiation occurred, the more the illusion of opposition and adversaries arose and peace became harder and harder to recognize.
But it never left. It’s like the silence that yet subsists beneath the roar and cacophony of the crowd, the calm inside the storm.
Fitrah began in that peace and provides a way to return to that peace. It is only when an individual attains and sustains that state of unshakable inner peace that he is truly a Muslim (man or woman of unshakeable inner peace).
How Salaam Became Islam
Salaam means “peace”, and Islam means “submit”, but if you are divine by nature, to whom are you to submit? Allah’s attribute is Salaam, not Islam. Do you really think He would name His religion after something other than Himself?
Within the Salaam religion or Fitrah, the guru-chela or teacher-student system was allowed to help nes comers progress along their path. It was agreed that the role of the student was to submit to the teacher until the student “graduated”.
This initiatory mentorship got mistaken for a stand alone religion all to itself and people who didn’t know any better were told to replace Salaam (peace) with Islam (submit).
Islam’s purpose was and is to guide the relationship of student to teacher.
The spiritual DNA of Salaam remains in Islam and so, through Islamic Fitrah, we can restore the original Salaam.
The Arabic word for religion is "deen". Deen has many meanings such as "way", "compensation", "judgement", and even "debt".
Deen as Way
As a way or means or methodology, a religion is supposed to provide a mechanism for people to get from one state to another. Deen al- Fitrah provides a proper way to realize good in this world and the Hereafter, but most importantly, it provides a way for anyone to realize their own divinity.
The Fitrah way leads to the full transmutation from animal to human and from human to divine.
The way to BE God is to DO God.......
Deen as Compensation
In her original state of being, man did not have to serve God or worship God or to adore God. All man had to do was to “accept his own and be himself.” That is because there was no separation between man/woman and God. As it is written, “I and the father are one.”
Man’s own nature was Fitrah Allah so all she had to do was be herself. But then man experienced a false sense of separation from God and so had to develop a means of compensating for that sense of loss. Man felt he could no longer just be himself, falsely believing himself to be diminished, he compensated by “submitting” to a power he imagined to be outside himself.
Religion (deen) became a crutch, a means of compensating for man’s near crippled condition.
Deen as Judgment
For every action there is an equal and opposite action in response. This is called qadr (karma). If an individual dies out of balance, then at some point while “dead”, he or she reviews their life and judges where they came up short. This foreshadows a life or lives pre- destined to compensate and to be compensated. This is often called the Day of Judgement.
Deen as Debt
The Day of Judgment informs us of all the karmic debts we owe. So we incarnate into a circumstance best qualified to provide opportunities for debt repayment. A man who left his wife to raise their children alone will one day incarnate as a woman or single father struggling to raise children alone.
It is written, “As thou hast done so shall it be done unto thee.”
Forgiveness as Karma’s Cure
The Quran teaches that forgiveness is better than retaliation. Qisaas (retaliation) keeps people locked into the game of karma or tit-for-tat. But when you really forgive, all that karma evaporates and those involved can move on. It is written that “the son of man has power to forgive sins [ i.e., karmic debts] this day.”
Religious practice and austerities can also dissolve or burn up karma.
The Nature of Allah
Man and God have the same nature. Man was created or ennatured with Allah’s own nature. But man suffers from amnesia and must dhikr (chant) to remember who she really is.
Allah’s nature is revealed in His attributes. Those attributes are also your attributes but, in our crippled condition, we must struggle to evoke or manifest them.
If God is Rahman (Compassionate), then so are you. When you can hardly afford it is a great time to manifest Rahman. As it is written, “Feeding the indigent during a day of privation.”
If God is ‘Azeez, then so are you. God is Al-Nur, and so are you. He is Salaam (Peace) and so are you.
Before you can be the embodiment of an attribute, you may have to be an apprentice ---- initiate of that attribute: Abdul- Ghany before you shed your old fake human skin and became Ghany Itself, the Enriched One Who Enriches.
The aim of Deen Al -Fitrah is to restore you to your divine self.
The Sabil or Paths
People manifest many temperaments and sages and prophets have devised many styles or paths to help people achieve divinity according to their temperaments. Unfortunately, after those sages left their bodies, usurpers quickly got to work to graft and distort those styles into whole separate deens. By doing so they tore the branch from the tree and the lonely branch, over time, grew rotten. Many of the faiths existing today were originally styles or paths to achieve within an original system and were never designed to be religions on their own.
Thankfully, because they were originally Fitrah, the Fitrah essence remains in them and can be recovered by the wise. They can be brought back to life as healthy branches of Fitrah.
Salaami origin and Destination of Fitrah
God’s nature is peace. Creation is the differentiation of God’s original undifferentiated and inert energy/matter. The Kamitic Sages named that state “Amen.”
In Amen there are no objects, no thoughts, no emotions, no movement, no differences, hence, total peace. As greater differentiation occurred, the more the illusion of opposition and adversaries arose and peace became harder and harder to recognize.
But it never left. It’s like the silence that yet subsists beneath the roar and cacophony of the crowd, the calm inside the storm.
Fitrah began in that peace and provides a way to return to that peace. It is only when an individual attains and sustains that state of unshakable inner peace that he is truly a Muslim (man or woman of unshakeable inner peace).
How Salaam Became Islam
Salaam means “peace”, and Islam means “submit”, but if you are divine by nature, to whom are you to submit? Allah’s attribute is Salaam, not Islam. Do you really think He would name His religion after something other than Himself?
Within the Salaam religion or Fitrah, the guru-chela or teacher-student system was allowed to help nes comers progress along their path. It was agreed that the role of the student was to submit to the teacher until the student “graduated”.
This initiatory mentorship got mistaken for a stand alone religion all to itself and people who didn’t know any better were told to replace Salaam (peace) with Islam (submit).
Islam’s purpose was and is to guide the relationship of student to teacher.
The spiritual DNA of Salaam remains in Islam and so, through Islamic Fitrah, we can restore the original Salaam.