The Sacred (Secret) Sciences of God
By Amir Fatir
The divine knowledge was deemed too powerful to be given to human beings who were still governed by the animal appetites, so it was kept secret. It was taught to a select few who were deemed worthy of training to qualify them to receive the sacred science. These select few became known as “the elect of God” or “the chosen people of God” and other names that signified initiation. When a master did convey instruction and wisdom, even to student initiates, he or she did so in a code called “Twilight Language”. Thus was meant to obscure knowledge from the unworthy who may luck up and “steal a hearing”.
The ancient scientists discovered that God and man were essentially the same and when man fully evolved she would be a true and living God. They realized that God Himself evolved through the same stages that man must evolve through. That is why Quran, properly translated, states that God became (kaana) the Most Merciful, the All-knowing, the Wise or the Mighty. If He became those, then He wasn’t always those attributes, He had to evolve into them.
Your mother was once a little girl. She became a mommy, but you never knew her as anything else but mommy. Two schools or perspectives eventually developed among the scientists. One discovered that God (and man) was pure immaterial consciousness. The other decided that God was all energy and hence all matter.
It is important to remember that each school had tremendous reverence and respect for the other. In ancient Egypt the consciousness scientists evolved the Ausarian system. The energy masters developed the Ra Theology. But the two paths greatly intersect and it would be more accurate to say the Ausarians emphasize consciousness and the Ra practitioners emphasize energy work. But consciousness affects energy and vice-versa.
One school would say that the Neter (God) is pure consciousness that somehow causes a vibration that produces energy. The other school would say that God is omnipotent energy where energy somehow became conscious.
Known scriptures are a mesh between the two schools and their subsidiaries. That is reflected in the two opposing creation stories in Genesis. In 1:26 men and women are created and gioven power. That is an energy God story whose female protagonist is in Hebrew, called Negebaw, i.e., Nekhebet, one of the “daughters” of Ra/kundalini.
In the second Genesis Chapter Adam is created and turned into “a living soul”. That is a story from the consciousness camp. The Ra school is older than the Ausarian school. The latter was intended to be more user friendly and accessible to the masses. The ancient scientists understood that everything that exists is energy. The energy that creates the universe can be moved, directed and manipulated. That awesome force is known as kundalini and is considered to be the mother of the universe.
Today, many people have heard about kundalini, but not long ago it was the most secret of secrets. It was referenced obliquely and symbolically. In the Bird Language of scripture kundalini is called spirit, breath, Ra, Salaat, Ruach, Samsom, Christ, Jezabel, Ashtoreth, Apollo, Horu, a horse, a snake, a dragon, a pillar of fire and much more. It is the primary theme of most of the stories in scripture. The objective of religion is to produce Gods. The objective of kundalini is to empower the machinery that produce Gods.
It is impossible to achieve spiritual blossoming without kundalini cultivation. Nor can you unveil the sacred (secret) texts without a knowledge of this primal sacred energy.
It was the secret esoteric theme of the divine mathematical theology taught by Master WD Fard which, today, I call Fardian Fitrah.