People say we all have free will, but that's one of the things the Illuminati put out as a coded half truth. Very few people's will is free because it has been hijacked by subliminal seduction, conditioned reflexes, mind control, group mass hysteria (seen daily in the vaccine mania), media manipulation, peer pressure, fad influence and the collective ego's institutions. So anyone under such an avalanche of remote controls cannot possibly be said to have free will. Most people are actually robotic and react without thinking or react according to a set of pre-programmed behavioral responses. They don't have free will because their will has been taken hostage. You cannot have free will when you don't even know what will is. When you hear anyone use the word will power, of a surety they don't know anything about free will because the will is, by its very nature, powerless. A free will is a will that has been freed or deprogrammed from all conditionings, programs, mental viruses, societal customs, values and the shaping of the collective ego. That is what masons, unknown to the rank and file party masons of today, are claiming when they call themselves Free Masons. Free to Build the life they choose.