MOSES IN PANAMA: WORMHOLE IDENTIFIED Most of the guesswork we call history is flat out wrong. The very idea that ancient Egypt was in Africa
is wrong. The biblical word for Egypt is Mizraim which means "two Egypts." European and Arab scholars, unable to find two Egypts decided that the Northern part of Egypt (Lower Egypt) and the Southern part of Egypt (Upper Egypt) were the two Egypts. They were wrong. The King of Egypt was called the ruler of the two shores, not the two river banks of a river like the Nile. In fact, the Nile wasn't even called the Nile, it was called Hapi. The early Egyptians referred to their kings as the King of the North and King of the South. In the Ausarian myth, the two lands were unified into one Egypt. Why was Egypt in Africa referred to by so many names? It was called Magan (which survives as the name Megan), Kem (which survives as the name Kim), Misr, Mizraim, Bu Wizzer, Sais, Ta Mary, Ki Khu Ptah, Kemit, Egyptos, and more. Yet as the superpower of the old world whatever it called itself would be the name everyone else adopted for it. You don't find America called a bunch of different names because America is the shot caller and everyone adjusts their language to fall America what America calls itself. The same should have been the case with Egypt. Yet Egypt had many different names. Maybe Egypt in Africa isn't the original Egypt. I will not cease until I reach the junction of the two oceans. - Qur'an 18:60 The only place on earth where two oceans join and where you can continue to walk past their point of junction is at Isthmus of Panama. At Panama the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans meet. Then when they reached the junction, they forgot their fish. So it took its way through the ocean tunnel. - Qur'an 18:61 The ocean tunnel is an interdimensional wormhole located in the ocean near Panama, connecting to the Bermuda Triangle. Moses (aka the God Tammuz) and his apprentice had to reverse direction and return to the junction. So they found one of Our initiates upon whom We had bestowed mercy from Ourselves and whom We had taught science from Our own presence. - Qur'an 18:65 That initiate is traditionally called Al-Khidr (the Green Being) because he is a green complexioned reptilian being from another dimension. He is,also known in the Americas as Mescalito, the peyote God of mescaline. He is also one of the Asars or Ausars also known as Igigi. Ausar was not one individual, he symbolizes an entire order. In some depictions in African Egypt he has green skin. That is also symbolic of the Plutonian role in plant and vegetation growth. Because Panama is an access point to other dimensions, power brokers were very upset with President Jimmy Carter for seemingly turning control of the Panama Canal over to the Panamanians. This led to Carter's defeat by Ronald Reagan and even contributed to the overthrow and imprisonment of Panamanian President Manuel Noriega. Yes, drugs were part of it as drugs are a big part of all American foreign policy activities, but the biggest part was access to the wormhole. George Bush decided to crush Noriega because he stated "We are at war!" But who was he at war with? America or the interdimensional reptilian jinn? Wars and rumors of war! The people who control the puppets in the U.S. government are aware of the oceanic wormhole and that is why they won't relinquish control over Panama. The true Egypt wasn't in Africa, it was what we now dall North America (Upper Egypt) and South America (Lower Egypt). That is part of the reason why the ancient African Egyptians oriented to the West like Muslims orient to Mecca. America was their homeland. Kem means, among other things, resurrected. Kem was the resurrected Egypt after the original Egyptians (Americans) migrated to Africa after "Atlantis" was buried under water (America under glaciers of ice during the last ice age). There are more pyramids in America than anywhere else in the world. The Eye of Ra was found cut in stone by laser technology over 70,000 years old. There was a divine plan in African Blacks returning to America just as the God Ausar returned to Egypt in the great metaphor. Slave means initiate in scripture. Everyone who came to America is divinely intended to be divinely initiated, but there are forces that want to keep everyone in a savage state of being deaf, dumb, and blind. I recommend this book: AMERICA IS THE TRUE OLD WORLD by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey. |