Old Man River: Natural Fitrah Economics
By Amir Fatir
Old Man River
That Old Man River
He don’t say nothin,
He must know somethin’
But Old Man River
He just keeps rollin on.
------Paul Robeson
Nature is the best Book of Knowledge there is. If you and I could read the Book of Nature we wouldn’t need Bibles, Qurans, Sutras or any of the sacred books that attempt to interpret the wisdom of Nature.
Nature reflects and literally embodies an incredibly vast intelligence and consciousness. Although all languages spring forth from Nature, Nature Herself doesn’t speak any particular human language such as Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Igbo or English. In fact, all those languages are distortions superimposed over the one universal human language all humans naturally spoke soon after birth, Baby Talk. Because Nature doesn’t speak any adult “human” language, people erroneously assume she is dumb.
Sages who were able to intuit Nature’s wisdom interpreted that wisdom as best they could, into metaphorical stories and parables that became scriptures which spawned realignment systems (religions) that were supposed to reconnect humans with the Cosmic Way.
As time went on, people forgot that scriptures were metaphorical treatises on Nature’s way and became, in people’s minds, history and prophecy of actual people and actual events. To this day, no scriptural event can be proven to have historically occurred and no prophet can be proven to have ever actually existed. Yet even “scholars” (who should know better) write volumes of fictional times perporting to expand on the historical Jesus, Exodus, Muhammad or Buddha.
Paul wrote: “When I was a child, I spoke like a child. I understood like a child. But when I became a man, I put childish things.”
Religious leaders and teachers have not yet put away their childish understanding of spiritual concepts and sacred texts. The fact that a host of “divine saviors” were supposedly born December 25th should have given scholars pause and caused them to conclude that Osiris, Mithra, Jesus, Krishna, Nimrod and many couldn’t possibly have been physically born on the same day. Obviously, something else had to be afoot.
The Winter Solstice from Dec 21-24 is the period encoded as “Joshuah (Jesus) made the sun stand still.” On December 25th “a new” Sun is born, i.e., a new modality of the solar current. “The sun/son of God is born in a manger” (Sagittarius, sign of the horse). At that moment Virgo rises on the planet sphere, hence “he’s born of a virgin.” This “story” is repeated every year on Christmas, it’s an opportunity for the mass of people to become anointed (Christs), hence Christ Mass.
The anointing is conducted by “the three wise men” also known as the pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands that anoint our heads each year, with gold, frankincense and myrrh (hormones).
The few remaining sages who could interpret Nature’s “speech” or knowledge were ostracized, ridiculed, and imprisoned or murdered. We were left with a world of “the blind leading the blind.”
There was an advertising catch phrase long ago: “You mustn’t fool Mother Nature.” When we apply Nature’s principles and processes to human life systems the result is prosperity and common wealth. But when we deviate from the Natural Life Systems, we create negative Karma (fate) that’s intended to prompt us to realign with Nature’s Way.
It has been written that “As above, so below.” While true, there actually is no above or below. Those terms are meant to show the interrelationships among a continuum. Humans are within nature and along with everything else, compose it. There is no real separation.
Human systems are as “natural” as those of forests, bees, rivers, and animals ------unless those systems have been perverted.
The energy- consciousness gestalt identified as the multiverse or omniverse flows toward and into and comprises the ones we call universe, galaxy, solar system, earth, and humanity. The energy- consciousness gestalt identified as “man” radiates toward and into and comprises those we identify as earth, solar system, galaxy, universe, and omniverse.
Energy flows out and flows back in, each influencing and affecting the “other” (although there really is no other). Man is not other than galaxy, man is an integral element that makes galaxy….and vice- versa.
He karmically ordains the (computer) command from the heavens
(multiverse) to the earth. The angels and the spirit (i.e., thoughts and emotions)
ascend to Him in a day, the karmic process of which takes 50,000 years.
---Quran 70:4
Humans have the capacity to will (intend). We can will to tread along Nature’s Way or we can will to try a shortcut. The choice of a shortcut that oppose or deviates from Nature’s seemingly long and winding road is metaphorized as Shaytaan (Satan) i.e., the dual or two (aan) wills (Shay,). Actions proceeding from a shortcut or perversion of will creates karma (qadr, fate) and are experienced as punishment, suffering, chastisement, sickness, pain, poverty, and are metaphorically written in sacred texts as such. But they actually are natural consequences from Nature’s Way.
To end such suffering an individual, community, tribe or planetary population must become realigned with the Natural Cosmic Way by reconnecting an existing human system with the Natural System that was and is the original source of the human system.
There are many systems of the human body such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, skeletal and nervous systems. Likewise, human systems include economic, political, medical, social, religious, educational and judicial systems along with many more. Like the bodily systems, all the human systems are interrelated and interdependent. If, for example, the respiratory system fails, the whole body will eventually fail. And if the educational system fails in society, all other systems will eventually fail and the social order will collapse.
We are seeing this happen today. The economic system directly impacts upon every vital societal system. Let’s look at Nature’s Economic System and see how we can realign our economy with it so as to avoid economic disaster. Wind blows on land such as the vast Saharan Desert lifting up dust particles composed of dead microbes from the aquatic life that once filled the oceans that existed where the desert now exists. Natural air currents carry those particles across vast distances over the ocean into South America, the original upper Egypt or kingdom of the South.
The sun and moon’s attracting power draw moisture up from the oceanic water, rivers and ground water which form clouds. The clouds rain down upon the mountains and land, departing the dust particles carried by the air onto mountain tops and land surfaces.
The mineral riches within the “dead” particles now enrich the land causing living microbials to proliferate with their cargo of nutrients. The rain pouring from the clouds also feed small mountain streams that course down and merge with other streams to form rivers like the great Amazon River. Those rivers wind in a serpentine manner, cutting through the land carrying nourishment and nutrients to distant parts of the land, distributing mineral and organic wealth to all land areas touched by the river. The river’s rippling currents stir up riverbed life and “waste” that recycles into growth fertilizer and nutrition to the land, plants and animals (including humans) who are sustained by the river’s life-giving properties.
Fish, animals, bacteria, protozoans, amphibians and plants proliferate within the river adding life via their waste, their carcasses and the carbon dioxide and oxygen they naturally emit. Animal’s such as deer and bison, sensitive to energetic dragon paths called ley lines, from natural paths to and from the river and alongside it which later became the roads and superhighways men use to transport their goods and themselves more easily. Villages form as settlements alongside the life- giving rivers and these villages eventually grow into massive cities like New York (Hudson River), and Philadelphia (Delaware, Schukhill River and Susquehanna Rivers), Detroit, London and many more. Ultimately, rivers flow out to bays to oceans.
Old Man River functions so smoothly, so quietly, so spectacularly, that it’s easy to forget that all of human civilization is totally dependent upon Him. As it is written, “He don’t say nothin’. He must know somethin’. Indeed, he does.
Modern techno-intoxicated society has forgotten what wise indigenous peoples still know: The River is still alive, conscious, sentient and aware. It is also responsive to its children’s thoughts, wishes, feelings and bad or good intentions.
Yet we chemically burn and torture her with our industrial pollutions and life less, soulless plastics. The way of the Natural Economy is analogous to the activities of a river. Those processes are not mindless and mechanical. There is a vast intricate and cooperative network of intelligences involved in every aspect of river-land activity. These intelligences are Helpers that are usually invisible to human sight but have been called such names as elementals, fairies, gnomes, sylphs, salamanders, undines, angels, loa, orisha, and more. Those beings are not only intelligent, they’re caring.
Activities of respect for the communication with the Helpers was misinterpreted as worship of the River or Lunar spirits who make the river system operate so flawlessly.
So, what is economics? Colleges define economics as “the science of how man tries to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources.” But because resources are not limited, that definition cannot actually suffice. The Cosmos itself is infinite as is its energy production (resources). So how can resources be limited? We live in an electrical universe. There is nothing but resource in, around, above and below us.
The root of “economics,” ec, is the same as that of eco-system and ecology. So, economics has to involve the measurement of the natural properties affecting people, the calculation, study and measurement of natural resources. On an even deeper level, ec comes from EK, an ancient word that means “spirit”. So, economics is the measurement of spirit (energy) affecting life processes that affect people.
The wind that lifts particles into the air currents is analogous to demand in the supply and demand analysis. “Mountains” of industry (entrepreneurs) pick up on that demand and begin to organize to manufacture parts (streams) for the goods that will eventually be produced.
Eventually, those parts (streams) are assembled in a plant as streams assemble into a mighty river.
The Kamitic Neter Asar (Osiris) was considered to be represented by the Nile River. The assembling of Asar’s body by his wife Aset (Isis) expresses how various streams combine to form the river.
Money is called currency because it functions like the currents of a river. It moves products and people to facilitate the supply and demand chain. In this sense, money is actually part of transportation, not just finance. As various streams assemble into rivers, various parts are assembled at great assembly plants like Ford, Sunship or Boeing for production of cars, ships and airplanes.
Such assembly plants (rivers) enrich the land (cities and towns) and fertilize and feed the society with jobs. So-called waste (nature’s system of charity) can and must be recycled into new goods as the water system constantly recycles across the planet.
The river currents (money) flows out to the treasury as physical rivers flow into the ocean. The government acts like the sun in evaporating water (spending money via the political economy), stimulating new demand (wind) that then completes and renews the economic/river cycle.
Artificial interference in river flow such as dam erection ultimately damages the enrichment cycle just as artificial interference in the economy via experiments like stimulus packages, bank bailouts and help to buy schemes enrich the few and impoverish the many.
High tides (inflation) and low tides (recession) are essential for the equilibrium of the economy. Perpetual stimulation of the economy is like perpetually popping pills to stay awake. Eventually, one must inevitably crash.
Quantitative easing is basically an induced flood of money that protects the asset value of the rich from plunging at the expense of a Katrina- like flood devastation suffered by the poor. More families lost their homes from quantitative easing, bank bailouts and stimulus packages than lost their homes from flooding.
A financial flood robs retirees’ pensions and demolishes home ownership. A financial flood is far more destructive than a physical one. As artificial rivers and ponds have been constructed to mimic natural ones so that people can factory farm fish, an artificial economy has gradually moved into subvert, pervert, and replace the real economy.
In natural human systems, surplus farm production is stored in a granary that evolves into a treasury to provide for the common good. The artificial economy replaced the treasury with a banking cartel of insurance companies and banks operated by and for the Financial Mafia to fleece the people via “the insurance racket” operated through Mafia-like financial vampires and scammers who suck the people’s financial blood via auto insurance, fake health insurance, fire and flood insurance and a host of “transaction fees”.
They all have this in common: They are wonderful at collecting your money but clumsy as hell when its time for them to pay you back. Perhaps we need an economic Harriet Tubman to conduct a financial Underground Railroad to carry us out of debt slavery “up north” to financial freedom.
As the river constantly recycles, so is the economy meant to circulate and distribute wealth to all people, animals, and plants.
The name of the second river is Gihon.
It is the one that encircles around the
Entire land of Ethiopia.
Genesis 2:13
The artificial economy dams up the river and causes resources to pool up only for a few vampires. The bought-and-paid for government has put Count Dracula in charge of the blood bank. Dracula can’t produce ant blood, he can only suck it from his mesmerized victims. So, it is with the Mafia that calls itself “financial institutions”. They’re institutions because they put all their victims into financial incarceration. Free enterprise was a type of economics that was co-opted by capitalism (free agency feudalism). Capitalism was co-opted by financialism. (surreptitious wealth confiscation).
By studying Old Man River, we can create a natural economic system that transport the common wealth to the whole not just the few.
Representing the interests of the Irish Mafia ----which had long competed with the Italian (“Black Hand”) Mafia ----president John F Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F Kennedy targeted Teamsters union President Jimmy Hoffa. Eventually Hoffa was imprisoned. Nixon, no lover of the Kennedys, pardoned Hoffa. When Hoffa refused to turn the huge Teamsters pension fund over to the minions of the Financial Mafia (“the banking professionals”) Hoffa disappeared. Later union bosses were more compliant. Today, nearly all pension funds are controlled by “investment professionals” and once wealthy pension funds are depleted…. Dracula in charge of the blood bank.
How to Save and Replenish Pensions
First, union members must kick the vampires out. Next, the unions (like California public sector union) should gradually withdraw their money from Zombie Vampire Banks and convert that money into Bitcoin, Ethereum or an assortment of digital currencies. This will cause the price of digital currencies versus the dollar to rise. Simultaneously, the unions should purchase and store physical gold. They should not fall for the Mafia scam of paper gold. There is no such a thing. This will increase the price of gold versus the dollar and all fake fiat currencies including the Coming Big Con --------the Special Drawing Right.
Soon the pension funds will again be healthy, and the Financial Cosa Nostra will have to conjure up new schemes to fleece the people of the wealth the banksters cannot create but can only siphon off from “the real job creators”.
The Microcosmic Orbit
The river that encircles Ethiopia is also code for the river of Chi that flows around the body in the Microcosmic Orbit. That Chi river feeds all the energy pathways which, in turn, transport life-giving chi to the brain and vital organs. That causes health and the kind of mental processes that lead to prosperity and wealth. Tesla proved that when energy circles it increases its voltage. The same is true for the economy and the Microcosmic Orbit.
A couple can circulate chi in a dual microcosmic orbit. This is a pattern nations can economically replicate in trade. The problem with NAFTA, TIP, TTIP and other trade pacts is that there is no working mechanism for the resource/wealth to flow back to the United States. Wealth going out with cheap goods coming in is not economic fair trade, its vampirism.
The financial globalists think its enough for other nations to in essence, buy American money (by pegging their currencies to the dollar) while the US purchases their real goods. Such financial wizardry props up the value of the dollar (I.e., the power of debt slavery) but impoverishes everyone in America who is not part of the financial Mafia. We don’t have to wait for the government. It’s held hostage. We can begin to practice natural economics on our own.
By Amir Fatir
Old Man River
That Old Man River
He don’t say nothin,
He must know somethin’
But Old Man River
He just keeps rollin on.
------Paul Robeson
Nature is the best Book of Knowledge there is. If you and I could read the Book of Nature we wouldn’t need Bibles, Qurans, Sutras or any of the sacred books that attempt to interpret the wisdom of Nature.
Nature reflects and literally embodies an incredibly vast intelligence and consciousness. Although all languages spring forth from Nature, Nature Herself doesn’t speak any particular human language such as Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Igbo or English. In fact, all those languages are distortions superimposed over the one universal human language all humans naturally spoke soon after birth, Baby Talk. Because Nature doesn’t speak any adult “human” language, people erroneously assume she is dumb.
Sages who were able to intuit Nature’s wisdom interpreted that wisdom as best they could, into metaphorical stories and parables that became scriptures which spawned realignment systems (religions) that were supposed to reconnect humans with the Cosmic Way.
As time went on, people forgot that scriptures were metaphorical treatises on Nature’s way and became, in people’s minds, history and prophecy of actual people and actual events. To this day, no scriptural event can be proven to have historically occurred and no prophet can be proven to have ever actually existed. Yet even “scholars” (who should know better) write volumes of fictional times perporting to expand on the historical Jesus, Exodus, Muhammad or Buddha.
Paul wrote: “When I was a child, I spoke like a child. I understood like a child. But when I became a man, I put childish things.”
Religious leaders and teachers have not yet put away their childish understanding of spiritual concepts and sacred texts. The fact that a host of “divine saviors” were supposedly born December 25th should have given scholars pause and caused them to conclude that Osiris, Mithra, Jesus, Krishna, Nimrod and many couldn’t possibly have been physically born on the same day. Obviously, something else had to be afoot.
The Winter Solstice from Dec 21-24 is the period encoded as “Joshuah (Jesus) made the sun stand still.” On December 25th “a new” Sun is born, i.e., a new modality of the solar current. “The sun/son of God is born in a manger” (Sagittarius, sign of the horse). At that moment Virgo rises on the planet sphere, hence “he’s born of a virgin.” This “story” is repeated every year on Christmas, it’s an opportunity for the mass of people to become anointed (Christs), hence Christ Mass.
The anointing is conducted by “the three wise men” also known as the pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands that anoint our heads each year, with gold, frankincense and myrrh (hormones).
The few remaining sages who could interpret Nature’s “speech” or knowledge were ostracized, ridiculed, and imprisoned or murdered. We were left with a world of “the blind leading the blind.”
There was an advertising catch phrase long ago: “You mustn’t fool Mother Nature.” When we apply Nature’s principles and processes to human life systems the result is prosperity and common wealth. But when we deviate from the Natural Life Systems, we create negative Karma (fate) that’s intended to prompt us to realign with Nature’s Way.
It has been written that “As above, so below.” While true, there actually is no above or below. Those terms are meant to show the interrelationships among a continuum. Humans are within nature and along with everything else, compose it. There is no real separation.
Human systems are as “natural” as those of forests, bees, rivers, and animals ------unless those systems have been perverted.
The energy- consciousness gestalt identified as the multiverse or omniverse flows toward and into and comprises the ones we call universe, galaxy, solar system, earth, and humanity. The energy- consciousness gestalt identified as “man” radiates toward and into and comprises those we identify as earth, solar system, galaxy, universe, and omniverse.
Energy flows out and flows back in, each influencing and affecting the “other” (although there really is no other). Man is not other than galaxy, man is an integral element that makes galaxy….and vice- versa.
He karmically ordains the (computer) command from the heavens
(multiverse) to the earth. The angels and the spirit (i.e., thoughts and emotions)
ascend to Him in a day, the karmic process of which takes 50,000 years.
---Quran 70:4
Humans have the capacity to will (intend). We can will to tread along Nature’s Way or we can will to try a shortcut. The choice of a shortcut that oppose or deviates from Nature’s seemingly long and winding road is metaphorized as Shaytaan (Satan) i.e., the dual or two (aan) wills (Shay,). Actions proceeding from a shortcut or perversion of will creates karma (qadr, fate) and are experienced as punishment, suffering, chastisement, sickness, pain, poverty, and are metaphorically written in sacred texts as such. But they actually are natural consequences from Nature’s Way.
To end such suffering an individual, community, tribe or planetary population must become realigned with the Natural Cosmic Way by reconnecting an existing human system with the Natural System that was and is the original source of the human system.
There are many systems of the human body such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, skeletal and nervous systems. Likewise, human systems include economic, political, medical, social, religious, educational and judicial systems along with many more. Like the bodily systems, all the human systems are interrelated and interdependent. If, for example, the respiratory system fails, the whole body will eventually fail. And if the educational system fails in society, all other systems will eventually fail and the social order will collapse.
We are seeing this happen today. The economic system directly impacts upon every vital societal system. Let’s look at Nature’s Economic System and see how we can realign our economy with it so as to avoid economic disaster. Wind blows on land such as the vast Saharan Desert lifting up dust particles composed of dead microbes from the aquatic life that once filled the oceans that existed where the desert now exists. Natural air currents carry those particles across vast distances over the ocean into South America, the original upper Egypt or kingdom of the South.
The sun and moon’s attracting power draw moisture up from the oceanic water, rivers and ground water which form clouds. The clouds rain down upon the mountains and land, departing the dust particles carried by the air onto mountain tops and land surfaces.
The mineral riches within the “dead” particles now enrich the land causing living microbials to proliferate with their cargo of nutrients. The rain pouring from the clouds also feed small mountain streams that course down and merge with other streams to form rivers like the great Amazon River. Those rivers wind in a serpentine manner, cutting through the land carrying nourishment and nutrients to distant parts of the land, distributing mineral and organic wealth to all land areas touched by the river. The river’s rippling currents stir up riverbed life and “waste” that recycles into growth fertilizer and nutrition to the land, plants and animals (including humans) who are sustained by the river’s life-giving properties.
Fish, animals, bacteria, protozoans, amphibians and plants proliferate within the river adding life via their waste, their carcasses and the carbon dioxide and oxygen they naturally emit. Animal’s such as deer and bison, sensitive to energetic dragon paths called ley lines, from natural paths to and from the river and alongside it which later became the roads and superhighways men use to transport their goods and themselves more easily. Villages form as settlements alongside the life- giving rivers and these villages eventually grow into massive cities like New York (Hudson River), and Philadelphia (Delaware, Schukhill River and Susquehanna Rivers), Detroit, London and many more. Ultimately, rivers flow out to bays to oceans.
Old Man River functions so smoothly, so quietly, so spectacularly, that it’s easy to forget that all of human civilization is totally dependent upon Him. As it is written, “He don’t say nothin’. He must know somethin’. Indeed, he does.
Modern techno-intoxicated society has forgotten what wise indigenous peoples still know: The River is still alive, conscious, sentient and aware. It is also responsive to its children’s thoughts, wishes, feelings and bad or good intentions.
Yet we chemically burn and torture her with our industrial pollutions and life less, soulless plastics. The way of the Natural Economy is analogous to the activities of a river. Those processes are not mindless and mechanical. There is a vast intricate and cooperative network of intelligences involved in every aspect of river-land activity. These intelligences are Helpers that are usually invisible to human sight but have been called such names as elementals, fairies, gnomes, sylphs, salamanders, undines, angels, loa, orisha, and more. Those beings are not only intelligent, they’re caring.
Activities of respect for the communication with the Helpers was misinterpreted as worship of the River or Lunar spirits who make the river system operate so flawlessly.
So, what is economics? Colleges define economics as “the science of how man tries to satisfy unlimited wants with limited resources.” But because resources are not limited, that definition cannot actually suffice. The Cosmos itself is infinite as is its energy production (resources). So how can resources be limited? We live in an electrical universe. There is nothing but resource in, around, above and below us.
The root of “economics,” ec, is the same as that of eco-system and ecology. So, economics has to involve the measurement of the natural properties affecting people, the calculation, study and measurement of natural resources. On an even deeper level, ec comes from EK, an ancient word that means “spirit”. So, economics is the measurement of spirit (energy) affecting life processes that affect people.
The wind that lifts particles into the air currents is analogous to demand in the supply and demand analysis. “Mountains” of industry (entrepreneurs) pick up on that demand and begin to organize to manufacture parts (streams) for the goods that will eventually be produced.
Eventually, those parts (streams) are assembled in a plant as streams assemble into a mighty river.
The Kamitic Neter Asar (Osiris) was considered to be represented by the Nile River. The assembling of Asar’s body by his wife Aset (Isis) expresses how various streams combine to form the river.
Money is called currency because it functions like the currents of a river. It moves products and people to facilitate the supply and demand chain. In this sense, money is actually part of transportation, not just finance. As various streams assemble into rivers, various parts are assembled at great assembly plants like Ford, Sunship or Boeing for production of cars, ships and airplanes.
Such assembly plants (rivers) enrich the land (cities and towns) and fertilize and feed the society with jobs. So-called waste (nature’s system of charity) can and must be recycled into new goods as the water system constantly recycles across the planet.
The river currents (money) flows out to the treasury as physical rivers flow into the ocean. The government acts like the sun in evaporating water (spending money via the political economy), stimulating new demand (wind) that then completes and renews the economic/river cycle.
Artificial interference in river flow such as dam erection ultimately damages the enrichment cycle just as artificial interference in the economy via experiments like stimulus packages, bank bailouts and help to buy schemes enrich the few and impoverish the many.
High tides (inflation) and low tides (recession) are essential for the equilibrium of the economy. Perpetual stimulation of the economy is like perpetually popping pills to stay awake. Eventually, one must inevitably crash.
Quantitative easing is basically an induced flood of money that protects the asset value of the rich from plunging at the expense of a Katrina- like flood devastation suffered by the poor. More families lost their homes from quantitative easing, bank bailouts and stimulus packages than lost their homes from flooding.
A financial flood robs retirees’ pensions and demolishes home ownership. A financial flood is far more destructive than a physical one. As artificial rivers and ponds have been constructed to mimic natural ones so that people can factory farm fish, an artificial economy has gradually moved into subvert, pervert, and replace the real economy.
In natural human systems, surplus farm production is stored in a granary that evolves into a treasury to provide for the common good. The artificial economy replaced the treasury with a banking cartel of insurance companies and banks operated by and for the Financial Mafia to fleece the people via “the insurance racket” operated through Mafia-like financial vampires and scammers who suck the people’s financial blood via auto insurance, fake health insurance, fire and flood insurance and a host of “transaction fees”.
They all have this in common: They are wonderful at collecting your money but clumsy as hell when its time for them to pay you back. Perhaps we need an economic Harriet Tubman to conduct a financial Underground Railroad to carry us out of debt slavery “up north” to financial freedom.
As the river constantly recycles, so is the economy meant to circulate and distribute wealth to all people, animals, and plants.
The name of the second river is Gihon.
It is the one that encircles around the
Entire land of Ethiopia.
Genesis 2:13
The artificial economy dams up the river and causes resources to pool up only for a few vampires. The bought-and-paid for government has put Count Dracula in charge of the blood bank. Dracula can’t produce ant blood, he can only suck it from his mesmerized victims. So, it is with the Mafia that calls itself “financial institutions”. They’re institutions because they put all their victims into financial incarceration. Free enterprise was a type of economics that was co-opted by capitalism (free agency feudalism). Capitalism was co-opted by financialism. (surreptitious wealth confiscation).
By studying Old Man River, we can create a natural economic system that transport the common wealth to the whole not just the few.
Representing the interests of the Irish Mafia ----which had long competed with the Italian (“Black Hand”) Mafia ----president John F Kennedy and Attorney General Robert F Kennedy targeted Teamsters union President Jimmy Hoffa. Eventually Hoffa was imprisoned. Nixon, no lover of the Kennedys, pardoned Hoffa. When Hoffa refused to turn the huge Teamsters pension fund over to the minions of the Financial Mafia (“the banking professionals”) Hoffa disappeared. Later union bosses were more compliant. Today, nearly all pension funds are controlled by “investment professionals” and once wealthy pension funds are depleted…. Dracula in charge of the blood bank.
How to Save and Replenish Pensions
First, union members must kick the vampires out. Next, the unions (like California public sector union) should gradually withdraw their money from Zombie Vampire Banks and convert that money into Bitcoin, Ethereum or an assortment of digital currencies. This will cause the price of digital currencies versus the dollar to rise. Simultaneously, the unions should purchase and store physical gold. They should not fall for the Mafia scam of paper gold. There is no such a thing. This will increase the price of gold versus the dollar and all fake fiat currencies including the Coming Big Con --------the Special Drawing Right.
Soon the pension funds will again be healthy, and the Financial Cosa Nostra will have to conjure up new schemes to fleece the people of the wealth the banksters cannot create but can only siphon off from “the real job creators”.
The Microcosmic Orbit
The river that encircles Ethiopia is also code for the river of Chi that flows around the body in the Microcosmic Orbit. That Chi river feeds all the energy pathways which, in turn, transport life-giving chi to the brain and vital organs. That causes health and the kind of mental processes that lead to prosperity and wealth. Tesla proved that when energy circles it increases its voltage. The same is true for the economy and the Microcosmic Orbit.
A couple can circulate chi in a dual microcosmic orbit. This is a pattern nations can economically replicate in trade. The problem with NAFTA, TIP, TTIP and other trade pacts is that there is no working mechanism for the resource/wealth to flow back to the United States. Wealth going out with cheap goods coming in is not economic fair trade, its vampirism.
The financial globalists think its enough for other nations to in essence, buy American money (by pegging their currencies to the dollar) while the US purchases their real goods. Such financial wizardry props up the value of the dollar (I.e., the power of debt slavery) but impoverishes everyone in America who is not part of the financial Mafia. We don’t have to wait for the government. It’s held hostage. We can begin to practice natural economics on our own.