by Amir Fatir
Don't abandon your forces.
Don't abandon Wadd nor Suwa
nor Yaghuwth nor Ya'uwq nor
- Quran 71:23
The word "god" means power, force. The ancient spiritual physicists of Africa discovered five primary modalities or phases of energy which they named Nature (Wood), Stone (Metal), Fire, Water and Earth. This knowledge reached China (the true Sinai) and was incorporated into the Tao. The Kamau (Egyptians) symbolized the Five Forces as Asar, Heru Ur, We, A set (Isis), and Nebt-Het (Nephthys).
The same knowledge existed in Ethiopia in the part of that Atlantean empire now called Yemen (named after Amen), Oman (named after Amen) and Arabia (meaning land of the mixed raced).
The Ethiopian empire extended from North and South America (the true Two Egypts or Mizraim), across Africa, into Arabia, throughout India (Hindu Kush), into Mongolia, China, Japan, and even the Polynesian Islands. It also completely dominated Europe. The original Europeans were Black Africans. Traces of their presence can be found in peoples' names such as Black Russians, Black Irish, Black Hand (Italy), Brownies, Pixies (called Piccaninnies by southern American whites), Blacksmiths, Schwartz, Swartzeneggers, Black Pete, etc.
Traits of their physical characteristics remain in Italians, Greeks, Armenians, Cypriots, and many Spaniards. What became the Italian mafia (Black Hand) grew out of an effort to preserve the cultural system of the Black indigenous Etruscans who populated southern Europe.
In other parts of the world those same small, dark, technologically advanced people were called Ainu, Any, Dravidians, Sumerians ("Black faced people"), and Gypsies (E-gyptsies or Egyptians).
The Black Canaanite Qaballah (now credited falsely to Jews) placed the Ainu at the top of their Tree of Life, coded as Ain Soph Ur. The Sumerians and Egyptians put them at the top, also, as the Supreme deity Anu (Annu/Heliopolis), Nu aka the Ethiopian Amen. The extraterrestrial race called Nordics emerged from inner earth.
Get ye down, all (of you).
Some of you are enemies to
other factions of you.
Inside the earth is your dwelling-place
And an entertainment until a time.
- Qur'an 2:36
The "an" part of Qur'an comes from the same Anu. All Arabic nouns in the objective case end with the tanwiyn "-an" to represent that everything is Anu appearing as a separate object.
Factions were contending away from earth and were sent to earth, actually into the interior of the hollow earth as this Nordic part of modern Europeans' gene pool. But they tended to glorify their Nordic heritage and denegrate their black and brown heritage. That contrasting aggrandizement and self-loathing is at the root of white people's deep psychological and emotional disorders to this day.
Waad Man Wood Aethyr
Suwa Woman Water Sinking
Yaghuwth Bull Earth Stable
Ya'uq Horse Fire Rising
Nasr Eagle Air Expanding
Aethyr represents undifferentiated energy. The Nasr eagle is also a falcon and a vulture. Air is called metal in Taoism and stone in the Dagara tribe's symbolic system.
Wood is also called Nature, i.e., the Fitrah of the Qur'an. Asar is symbolically buried in a tree to clue initiates that he symbolizes the element wood and that the buried divinity would be recoverable in Fitrah, the ancient but brand new science I am bringing back into the world today. Suwa or water is symbolized as a woman (Aset) to represent the watery element, i.e., energy sinking. Bovines work the earth and so Yaghuwth is depicted as a bull, i.e., stable energy since man needed cows to farm and that was the prerequisite of settlement (stable) living as opposed to the nomadic life. The wise play with us by saying stuff like "civilization was given to us by the cow goddess." Or "we were brought to this land on the back of a cow."
Horses get really hot while running, so elemental Fire was depicted as the horse force (deity) Ya'uwq, i.e., energy rising.
Nasr is the archetype of the element Metal that's also called Stone. In the western system, metal is called "air," i.e., energy expanding. Because birds are masters of air, Nasr was depicted as a raptor or as a vulture. In Egypt the vulture deity was named Must (the biblical Not and also the original form of the Goddess Maat) and Nekhebet and her Yoruba equivalent, Oya, ruled over winds and hurricanes.
In ancient times, metals were associated with alchemists who could transmute metals like lead into gold. In Kamit the falcon-headed Heru was the original Krist whose ceremonies of anointing with crocodile oil represented the transmutation of glandular secretions, alchemically, to sacred oils (hormones) that transformed a royal into a Krist, Christ, Krishna, Messiah or Masiyh.
Before we go more into the kristening system encrypted as Nasr, let me try to simplify something
I've seen several teachers wrestle with, to no avail.
The so-called Western system has four elements: earth, water, air, and fire. The "Chinese" system has the five we've been discussing. All kinds of effort have gone into trying to match the four to the five.
But it can't be done because each was meant to facilitate different realms of science. By way of illustration, the word "shell" is used in chemistry, physics, and zoology. But the word "shell" means something quite different in studying electron orbits in physics and studying crustaceans in zoology.
Likewise, the five elements of "the east" are meant to apprehend different knowledge than the four elements of "the west."
The four elements are equivalent to physics' four forces: strong force, weak force, electromagnetism, and gravity. The five elements depict the always changing states of energy, i.e., energy's five phases.
Energy subsists everywhere but it is inactive (aethyr, Asar, "god of the dead, i.e. inactive). This is Wood. It becomes active and rises (Fire). After rising it spreads out (Air), then it begins to sink (Water) and when it sinks as far as it can it becomes stable or inert (Earth).
The adherents of the Nasr system became known as Nazarenes. In Kamit they were called the Shemsu Heru. Samson was a Nazirite, i.e., an initiate of the Falcon (Heru) Nasr system. Some Nazarenes were called Essences and others were called Gnostics.
In Judges 16:17 Samson says: "A razor has never come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If my head is shaved, then my strength will leave me, and I shall become weak and be like any other man."
Samson's not shaving his hair is initiate code for not ejaculating in sexual intercourse. The secret of his physical and spiritual strength was on semen retention.
The Roman Catholic Church murdered the original Nazarenes by the millions to substitute a male priesthood for the largely female priesthood of the Nazarenes.
I should say right here, to avoid perpetrating a big misconception, that neither Samson nor Jesus ever existed as individuals. Nor did Muhammad. These are initiatory names of orders. The same applies to the Asaras ("those who observe and see" -- hence the Eye hieroglyph to signify Asar, the embodiment of the Asara order).
And (appoint Jesus) a messenger to the children of Israel: "I have come to you with a sign from your lord. I create for you the image of a bird, out of clay. Then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird by the permission of Allah. Jesus, Heru and Krishna are the same.
The eagle, hawk and falcon are symbols of spiritual sight and mastery of air (pranayama). By applying yogic breathing techniques, especially Men Ab, the lower emotions are disconnected and psychic sight -- also called "second sight" -- arises.
The all-seeing aspect of the deity and the initiate is encoded by the Eye of Ra, Eye of Heru and the Qur'an's Falcon-eyed beautiful huris, i.e., female initiates of Het-Heru.
This leads to astral projection, "the flight of the Eagle."
The Nasr system emerged in Sumer as the order of Shamash, in Egypt as the order of Heru and in India as the order of Krishna.
When the breathing techniques (Holy Spirit) activate the kundalini (Mary), the chakras cause the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands to secrete sacred "oil" and that inner anointing transforms one into a messiah, a Christ. "Sinful flesh" becomes "flesh divine."
Man is consciousness. The focus of man's consciousness is the objective world. Because consciousness takes the form -- or at least appears to -- of the objects it perceives, consciousness forgets its true nature, it symbolically forgets "who it is," and "falls" to a lower state. This ongoing process has been symbolized as "the fall of Adam (Atem)."
We indeed covenanted with Adam
before, but he forgot. And We found
no determination for him.
- Qur'an 20:115
The divine presence in man is called Atman, Atem, or Adam. It is also called Tem, Tammuz, Ausar, Rahman, Brahman, Obatallah, and Metatron. One could say that humanity is suffering from collective amnesia in that we have forgotten who we are and now identify with the things we emit ("spit out" in Kamitic parlance) and attract, i.e., our jobs, status, education, bodies, emotions, talents, careers, diseases, accomplishments, etc.
Dr. King came close to the point when he said, "When I die, don't tell them that I went to Harvard or that I won the Nobel Peace Prize. Tell them that Martin Luther King tried to love somebody."
The human and divine reality as pure consciousness was summed up beautifully by the graphic "essay", the Eye. Because the Eye is also shaped like a vesicle it also represented that the world is created or formed according to the ways we perceive reality. So if our perception is distorted (Set damaging Heru's Eye) the world we create will also be distorted.
The vesicle or fish is shaped like the female vagina, the arch through which life passes to enter this world. The jinn and little jinn (gentiles) who have taken control of the planet (temporarily) constantly wage war on human perception in order to involve us in the manufacture of the very world that's imprisoning and killing us. Doctors are just educated drug dealers nowadays, who dispense dope that distorts our perception. TV, radio and even vaccines do the same.
The base of all distortions is the distorted (debased) image of who you are. To maintain planetary imprisonment, people are force fed from childhood the lowest image of what it means to be a man or woman.
If you believe you're nothing you will accept being treated like dirt. All of your governments and puppet presidents treat you like dirt and you accept it and some even like it because you have Stockholm Syndrome -- on a planetary scale.
Look at those dumb and retarded Black Americans cheering for Hillary Clinton when she and her sex predator husband were the worst destroyers of Black life since Sir John Hawkins himself.
Torture is internationally defined as cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment. Under that definition, America has been guilty of the torture of all Black people since we were kidnapped and transported here on the Goodship Jesus in 1555.
You can have this whole world,
just give me my Jesus.
- Black Slave Liberation (Gospel) Song
Those people weren't singing about no blond-haired, blue-eyed, naked Nordic on a cross. That was code! The Jesus they sang for was a boat, a ship, to sail them back to Africa because they could not swim all those oceanic miles.
Please don't think anything has improved since the puppet white power President Obama was installed to re-brand America's global and domestic atrocities. He is a soulless robot, a snake in the grass, who is, like Killery Clinton, as phony as a $3 bill.
That's why racist attacks on Blacks increased during Obama's puppet show. And how did our first
crackhead president respond? "Black lives! Scatter!!!" That jigaboo in Chief avoided Black people's concerns like the plague. But he sold us back into slavery to the invisible banks (insurance companies) via Obamacare and stupid ass Negroes, just like their ancestors who got on the Goodship Jesus, thinking they were going to get gold. They did. Goldman Sachs... up the ass!
Until Black people create their own agenda, their own 50 to 100 year plan, voting is a farce. It only helps decide which kind of soundtrack will be played during the filming of your continuing enslavement. Country and Western (Bush), 60s pop (Killery) or Hip Hop (O-tom-a). Either way, your ass is grass.
But when you have an agenda, you will vote in a way that attains or protects your agenda. Absent an agenda, all you're voting for is a flat butt and a smile. Shake it, Killery. Somebody queue up "Funky Broadway" by Dyke and the Blazers. Killery, you a dancing fool! You big freak!
Set threw dirt in Heru's eye. Consciousness gets trapped in materialism, the objective world. Tehuti, the wisdom archetype, heals Heru's eye. That's saying that devices like oracles can provide the foresight and insight that objective focus lacks. Oracles descend from the faculty of intuition and wisdom called the Khu, IFA or "spirit of truth."
Heru, after vanquishing Set, takes his eye to the That and gives it to his father, Asar. This represents the return of consciousness to the subjective realm where there are no objects to perceive as there is no differentiation, no energy, no matter. There is only consciousness of being conscious.
Consciousness then perceives itself. Several Oriental movies show a hero in search of divinity until, at the end, he receives a mirror. The deity he sought was and is himself, but he can only dig that after his ordeals have woke him up. Consciousness withdraws its focus from the objects of perception and perceives itself.
That consciousness is called "the witness." There is a part of you that calmly witnesses everything that happens in your life. Even when you are caught up in the most turbulent emotions there is a silent part of you observing you. So which you is you? Are you the actor or the observer?
The Qur'an says "Allah is the Seer," the Basiyr. That means the Ba (divine part of spirit) that houses Asar/Osiris, the Seer, the Eye. Because the true you, Atem, is devoid of energy/matter, it cannot be touched by anything, period, neither physical, mental, emotional, nor even spiritual.
Transferring identification to this is the attainment of liberation and was the focus of the Nasr methodology (religion).
By ignoring and refusing to succumb to our conditionings (samskaras) we begin to realize our duality. As the Honorable Elijah Muhammad put it, "Two Gods are represented here."
God came from Teman and the
holy one from Mount Paran.
- Habakkuk
There are two major divisions of your being: self (Atman) and spirit (energy/shakti). The energy side is called Eve, which means "breeze." The spirit can be corrupted through tricknowledgy (subliminal seduction). So you can attract and be attracted to nasty things. This is the serpent (energy) tempting Eve (a weaker form of energy).
It's not talking about a physical woman, so, Mr. Preacher, stop putting the women in your congregation on a guilt trip.
Nor is Adam a physical man. These are metaphors for inner processes, not history lessons.
The Self, however, cannot be touched, corrupted, divided, destroyed or anything. It just is. "I am that I am.". Or as the Hindu yogis put it, " I am That."
Try observing your own thoughts. Who is thinking and who is observing? One part of being is the thought generator and the other is the neter, the Watched, the Seer, the Witness.
Once you realize your dual nature you can start to put the king (the Atman) on the throne (Asar glyph, a seat, an axe, and an eye). The spirit will then be directed by the true divine self and success and happiness naturally result.
The Nasr eagle is also the psychoanalytical ego, a word that means "I". So we have an eagle/ego and an I/Eye. The ego is one's identity while focused in the objective realm. That ego has a choice: to identify with the lower parts of the spirit (desires, emotions, reasoning) or the divine parts (omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence).
It is important for modern Christians to reactivate the Krist procedures and reconnect with their Nasirite roots.
The Arabic word Nasr also means " Helper."
Let's look at the I Ching. Hexagraph 3's judgment says: It furthers one to appoint Helpers."
There are invisible intelligent forces that can and will help us with all the major and minor areas of life if we ask them and if we live in harmony with the Cosmos.
Some people refer to the Helpers as guides or angels. The primary Helper is the Sage or the true inner Muhammad, also called Orunmilla, Musa (Muse), Chokmah, Hikmat, and more.
We are not meant to do it all by ourselves. There is help available to us if we ask. There is a Helper of relationships, a financial Helper, a Cosmic Doctor to help improve our health and much more.
The ancient Nasrites developed a system of involving, accessing and obtaining guidance from the many invisible Helpers that most scientists call "the laws of nature." The Helpers are the intelligences that make those laws operate.
In most situations little or no external action is even necessary for us to enjoy success. Usually what is most efficacious is for us to identify the thoughts that are blocking our success and then, with the help of the Sage, to deprogram those false thoughts, ideas, beliefs or mental phrases.
The most effective means of communicating with the Sage is through an Oracle. The oracle can then provide the basis for an interactive communication with the all-knowing part of ourselves, i.e., the Sage.
Perhaps I will write more on this topic in the future, if that's something my readers think would be beneficial. Let me know if there is an interest in this.